The Anglican Youth of the Diocese of Mzimvubu had their annual conference  at KwaMzizi, All Saints Parish,  on the 2-4 October 2015. The theme for the conference was extracted from Leviticus 6:12- 13 “Keep the fire blazing”. The conference focused on three aspects, 1. Spiritual growth, 2.Education and Leadership and 3. Anglicanism. The conference was indeed an eye opener to all of us. It was filled with good worship and chances to express the views of young people.

Mr. Lwandile Malakhiwe Bada from Green
Anglicans office made a huge contribution in changing our perspectives towards caring for our envirpictonment. He clearly explained to us that daily activities do have an impact in our future generation. He outlined the number of environmental days that are there in our lectionary, such as the world environmental day on the 5th of June. Out of his presentation we have learned skills on environmental education, we hope and believe that the knowledge gaps have been closed.

It was amazing how young people have taken the issue of the environment in exciting way. They fully participated during the environmental education. They were very keen at going back to their home Parishes to educate everyone and the community at large. It is of great hope that we will all take the information and knowledge back to our Parishes and make a difference. After the environmental talk we proudly say “ACSA DIOCESE OF UMZIMVUBU IS GREEN”

Sikho Bera (AYSA Umzimvubu President)

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