International Coastal Cleanup September 16th, 2017
Every year thousands of tons of rubbish ends up in the oceans and 60% of that is plastic. Plastics last for a very long time in the ocean. By 2050 it is estimated there will be more plastic by weight in our oceans than fish. Plastic is very hazardous to marine life and kills more than a million birds, and over 100,000 seals, turtles, whales and a vast amount of fish in our ocean. Plastics are now coming being found in drinking water.
The International Coastal Cleanup day involves nearly 12 million people. This year the Diocese of Saldanha Bay joined the Clean up at Milnerton beach. Young people from
St Chad’s, St Oswald’s, St Paul’s in The Valley, St Andrews Northpine and St Stephen’s took part in the event and a lot of fun was had by all.
You can measure how much litter you collect by downloading this app from google store
Why not join us for Coastal Clean up on 15th of Sep 2018 and be part of the solution !