Church in Creation – a River of Life

The first Church in Creation for the year was held on the LIesbeek River., led by the Arocha team
Sabelo from Friends of the Liesbeek explained how over the last years the river is being restored to a living eco-system.
Every week a group of volunteers takes a huge amount of litter out of the river, and many indigenous plants have been planted on the banks and invasives removed.
We then had a time of reflection and ended with a clean up.
Baba Dioum — ‘In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand and we will understand only what we are taught.’
This is true for our relationship with the natural world.
The Liesbeek River is part of the Salt River system of rivers which enters Table Bay at Woodstock Beach. This watershed is our home, but do we really understand it?
So we come to Church in Creation with open minds and open hearts to move from knowledge to love, and from love to hands-on caring
Photos James Irlam

1 thought on “Church in Creation – a River of Life”

  1. The Season of Creation, Sept. 1 through Oct. 4, is celebrated by Christians around the world as a time for renewing, repairing and restoring our relationship to God, one another and all of creation.  The Episcopal Church joins this international effort for prayer and action for climate justice and an end to environmental racism and ecological destruction.  This year’s theme is  “Justice, for people and this planet in which all life is interdependent, requires vigilance, accountability and commitment.  Let it be said by the next generations that we strove for justice, removing the pollution of greed and indifference that destroys life, that justice can flow freely now and in the future, as a pristine river, replenishing all life on this beautiful and awesome planet, created by, as Presiding Bishop Michael Curry proclaims, a ‘loving, liberating and life-giving God.’”

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