“You are my God, Do Not Delay” – Faith Communities at #COP25


A faith based climate demonstration took place at the Climate Change Conference (COP25). Organized by the ACT Alliance, the event was intended to get the attention of delegates  and remind them that the climate crisis is a human rights issue and that lives are at stake.

During the event, Christian climate observers from many countries joined together at the entrance hallway of the COP to read the stories of people on the front lines of climate injustice, say prayers, and sing songs. People stopped to watch, listen, take photos, and even sing along, with the climate activists representing Scotland, Chile, the US, Canada and many other countries.

The event was comprised of songs, stories, and prayers. Especially powerful was  the stirring song “The People Gonna Rise Like the Water.” It was painful to hear the stories of devastation from across the globe.

Archbishop Julio Murray of Panama led the prayers with Lowell Bliss, including a prayer based on Psalm 40 & Psalm 70– when in a time of great urgency David, like Daniel would afterwards, prayed “You are my God, do not delay.” “¡no te tardes, Dios mio!”

 A strong delegation of Anglicans and Episcopalians is attending the COP 25 Climate Change Conference in Madrid, Spain. Archbishop Julio of Panama, Bishop Philip Huggins from Australia, Lynnaia Main (Episcopal Church UN office) Elizabeth Perry (Anglican Alliance) and Melanie Mullen (Care for Creation, TEC) are just some of those participating.

The group has taken  part in discussions on a developing interfaith declaration and attended a faith-based side event on inspiring hope in a time of climate emergency.  And the group enjoyed a dinner together to build relations across the world

  • Pray that the global community will stay within the 1.5 degrees of warming so that the people of Tuvalu can stay on their islands.
  • Pray that developed countries take responsibility for their contributions for the climate crisis, and take greater action towards the solution.
  • Pray for climate leaders to act courageously in their efforts.
  • Pray for developing countries, who are dealing with the greatest impacts of the climate crisis while contributing the least.
  • Pray to change the hearts of stakeholders in the fossil fuel industry, towards renewable energy resources.

#renewourworld #COP25

Photos Lynnaia Main

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