On the 4th October in celebration of St Francis day, a group of over 100 young people hiked up Table Mountain in Cape Town.. Churches from three Dioceses took part in the hike. It was a beautiful warm day to walk up the mountain. Everybody was freshand ready to tackle up the mountain and for many it was the first time they had climbed Cape Town’s iconic Table Mountain.
The group was divided up into two with a route for those that were looking for a challenge and for others that wanted a slower route up the mountain. The beautiful clear blue sky and the surrounding sounds of nature created a moment of awe to walk in. It was a blessing to be away from the everyday noise and to hear the calming sounds of nature. The hike filled us with a good feeling for appreciating God’s creation that we mostly take for granted.
Reaching the top of Table Mountain – pretty exhausted! – was a proud moment as many were the only ones from their whole family who had ever climbed the mountain. On the banks of the reservoir, with Mountain reflected in the water, we held our St Francis day service. We heard the story of St Francis a young man who turned away from a materialistic life style. He heard God calling him to ‘rebuild his house’. Initially he thought this meant rebuilding the church buildings but then he realised he was being called to rebuild Gods ‘household’ the whole of Creation. We sang “How great thou art” and the words of this classic hymn that say “When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, and hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze” will always remind of us this wonderful day. We made a prayer of commitment to be Earthkeepers and to care for God’s creation.
After sharing our lunch on the banks of the beautiful reservoir, we hiked back down with aching legs but happy hearts! In the words of one the young people, Shaylene Faro “I thought the hike was very enriching. We always speak about God’s creation but to actually experience it, is an awe in itself. It was also a joy to meet new people that share the same passion for God and his creation.”
Nina is an intern with Green Anglicans. The Environmental Network of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. www.greenanglicans.org Facebook Green Anglicans