Keep your lawn mower blades sharp, use compost for fertilizer and to lower waste and remember longer grass will keep more moisture
“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8
Just as eating local and organic pays dividends beyond just a healthier diet, eco-conscious lawn care benefits more than just your lawn: it’s healthier for the environment, your family, and your pets
Soil contains an interconnected array of organisms that create natural fertilizer, feeding with organics mimics the natural world Treating lawns organically enhances soil life and reduces disease, which means healthier greenery and a cleaner environment. Studies also show that organic lawn care is safer for kids and pets, whose health can be threatened by many common lawn chemicals.
If you’re looking to replace the grass variety in your yard, consider one of these environmentally friendly grasses such as Buffalo grass They require less watering, less mowing, and less fertilizer, all of which helps cut down on your carbon footprint.
Watering too often encourages roots to stay near the lawn’s surface where they’re more susceptible to drought and disease. By watering infrequently but deeply, we encourage roots to grow downward in search of the moisture,”If you’ve just planted, it’s good practice to water every day until the new plantings are established. But after that, you should only need to water once a week, if that. To test whether you need to water, feel six inches down into the soil: if it’s wet, don’t water.
Cover with layer of mulch and compost; this helps retain moisture and keep the birds away. Mulch and compost are yard wastes that have been organically broken down and recycled by Mother Earth.
Consider water conservation the next time you think about watering your lawn. You don’t have to stop watering completely, but what if you could use rainwater instead? You can harvest rainwater and store it in drums for future use. It’s actually quite simple. All you need to do is catch it as it flows out of your gutter downspouts. You can buy elaborate systems or make your own rainwater collection system using food- grade plastic barrels. For optimum results, you can even elevate your rain barrels and let gravity increase the water pressure.
Reduce your area of grass: On the other hand, why not opt for a creeping flower or no-mow lawn instead of grass? Low-level groundcovers such as thyme, sweet alyssum and lavender offer beauty and don’t require the maintenance. A no-mow lawn requires no watering or mowing, and those are two ways to positively impact the environment.
You may want to consider hardscaping. Instead of grass, build a desert or rock scene. Hardscaping requires no maintenance, not to mention you won’t have to worry about erosion. The landscape may be hard, but taking care of it won’t be.