On 28th March 2020 Malawi Creation Care Network, Chidwi Youth Initiative and Church Youth at Dowa Boma organised a sensitization campaign in Dowa District. The sensitization was in the following areas;
1. The thin plastics ban and how the ban can be implemented in this community.
2. Why should community members take part in planting more trees in their area?
3. COVID-19
A total of 1000 trees were planted within Churches in a one-church-one woodlot/orchard campaign.
The activity involved Government officers from the District Commissioners Office and District Health Office namely;
1. District Forestry Officer.
2. District Environmental Officers.
3. Nursing Officers.
We limited the number of participants to 50 as per the President’s order to limit huge gatherings to prevent the spread of Corona Virus.
#RenewOurWorld #MCCN #Small things that matter.