
The College of the Transfiguration is going Green!

The College of the Transfiguration is the only provincial residential college of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa. Under the leadership of the new rector Revd Dr Vicentia Kgabe, the College is committed to take up the challenge of the Fifth Mark of Anglican Mission, to sustain God’s Creation.  As a practical step they have installed recycling bins so that the students, future Anglican clergy can make this a regular part of their lives and initiative recycling in their to which they are placed in the future.    

The College of the Transfiguration is going Green! Read More »

St James takes the lead!

St James Church takes the lead! St James Church has taken a lead in the small town of Ladybrand in terms of recycling. Their recycling station was launched by Duarte Hugo, deputy director for Environmental Affairs. The congregation was asked to separate their tins, plastic, paper and glass and to bring them along on a Sunday, ‘let us be good stewards of Gods magnificent creation! They also planted a wild olive tree, the first Indigenous tree in the garden of St James and possibly the first tree to be planted at the start of Arbor week! Rev Jessica McCarter , Diocese of Free State

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