
March 25 – Fast from Elecctronics

“Be still and know that I am God.” ~ Psalm 46:10   In todays age and time we have become so dependent on electronics that it almost seems impossible to live with these electronics (for example computers, TVs and cellphones). Electronics were made to improve our quality of life and make things easier but it Is no secret that people have gained a great unhealthy attachment to them and to others an addiction to their electronics. This attachment is growing daily among our peers. It is becoming evident that excessive use off electronics is not good for us physically, mentally and emotionally. People no longer interact with each other even though they are sitting next to each other. How many times have you been to a “get together” yet everyone was on their phone and not talking to each other? How many times have you felt lonely or “FOMO” because of social media? There is a clear need to put a restriction to electronic use. Benefits of fasting from electronics: Reduce stress – both your brain and body need to recover from daily activities. Electronics us on a 24/7 mode, which is not healthy for us More free time – people spend so much time glued to their devices or computer, and loose so much time which they could have spent on something more productive. Time lost is never regained. Improved mental health – social media allows for feelings such as loneliness, depression, envy, jealously and dissatisfaction to grow. Taking a break from seeing what others are doing or have, and focusing on being grateful for what you have, is important. Be present and in the moment – embrace the precious moments with loved ones and friends by being present instead of being on your device when you are with them. Better sleep – Television, computer screens and cell phones give off a light wavelength called blue light, which is similar to the bright midday sun. Exposure to this kind of light in the evening can trick your body into thinking that it’s still the middle of the day, making it hard to get to sleep. Fasting from electronics will therefore improve your sleep pattern. More links

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March 21 – Say No To Plastic Packaging

This bread of ours was warm when we packed it at home on the day we left to come to you. But now see how dry and moldy it is.  Joshua 9 v 12 1. Bread bags Whoever coined the expression “the best thing since sliced bread” must have worked for the plastics industry.. Unfortunately, once a loaf is sliced, it does not remain fresh for very long, unless air is kept from it. In the 1930s, sliced loaves came wrapped in wax paper (and later cellophane) with the folded-over ends sealed with glued-on labels. This kept the bread fresh until the package was opened, but then it was not easily resealed. The polyethylene bag [developed in the mid 50’s] clearly solved that problem, because it could be closed, opened and re-closed easily with a tie. Twist ties are often coated with PVC, one of the worst plastics. Besides twist ties, many bread bags today are held shut by plastic bread clips, those flat little squares with a hole in the middle Take a reusable cloth bag to the bakery and ask to have my (unsliced!) bread placed directly inside it. Bring the bread home. Slice a piece and eat it. Yum!  Return the remaining unsliced loaf to the cloth bag and store it in an airtight tin. 2. Boxes not bags If you hunt around and are prepared to change your brand, you can find boxes instead of plastic bags for many items such a laundry detergents, cereals etc. Make sure to tell the company why you are no longer buying their product, post your new choice of product on social media and tag the company (@company) to tell them you have changed to a different supplier.

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