April 6 – Community Action

“The Earth is the Lord’s” Psalm 24:1 Organise a community clean up near your church to show to the community that you are stewards of the Earth. While you are doing that, take photos of the brands of plastic that you find and do a social media campaign, tagging the products as you post them on social media pages – this is called a brand audit- the identification of the companies responsible for the trash. We can uncover and shine a light on the main branded, throwaway products that regularly contribute to plastic pollution and connect the problem back to the source. It is the companies that are making profit by selling their goods in non biodegradable packaging. Corporates have created the plastic monster which is destroying the planet. Why? For profit.  We need to ship the plastic monster back to where it started , in the business corporation office. Although companies say they want to tackle the problem, they will not do so until we as consumers shame  them and refuse to buy their products.. It is time for corporations like Nestle, Unilever, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo., Colgate, Danone, Johnson & Johnson, and Mars to invest in alternative ways to deliver their products to us and to stop using single-use plastic! Contact local businesses and ask them to stop using single use plastics, attach a picture of their product lying in the street or on the beach. Share pictures and results from your audits through social media with the location, name of worst brand offender, hashtags #BreakFreeFromPlastic and #MillionActsofBlue, and tag the name of company or companies that contributed the most trash. Here are some ideas on how to run a Clean up/Community audit. https://storage.googleapis.com/planet4-international-stateless/2018/04/a7b9c72b-ocean-plastic-action-6.pdf

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