The women of the Diocese of False Bay gathered at the beautiful Grail Centre in Kleinmond for a weekend Eco-retreat to celebrate women’s day
29 enthusiastic ladies joined the programme.
The retreat was led by Canon Rachel Mash – environmental Coordinator for the Province.
At the start of the retreat she reminded us that God can speak to us through nature as well as through the written word of God “the heavens declare the glory of God’ And she encouraged us to slow down, be still and experience the presence of God. We started with a Taize service, lighting candles and moving to a time of reflective silence
The morning meditation was framed with birdsong as we listened in the stillness to the sound of birds also worshipping God.
The theme for our Bible study and personal meditation was trees – sharing which gifts God has given us and which fruits have grown in our lives. We then looked at how deep our roots go into God, so that when there are times of drought and hardship, our roots can reach God’s living waters deep in our soul.
The lunch time Eucharist continued the theme of trees and we learned that in order to grow our ministries we need to be grafted onto what has come before – not just wanting to start brand new things every time. We also need to plant when the ground is ready!
In the afternoon despite the wind a group set off up Jean’s hill – to catch amazing views out over the coast – reflecting on parts of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si. 4 intrepid ladies even made it right to the top of the mountain!
Sunday ended with the blessing of a Eucharist in the ‘forest chapel’ let by Rev Wilma Jacobsen and what a treat for many of us to reconnect as she has just returned from the USA
May God bless this ministry of spirituality and stewardship as it becomes a movement through the Diocese.