Clothing seems to have two different values, there are the “bargain “ clothes that we grab at sales or two for the price of one . And then there are the “Status” clothes that we will pay a fortune for, because of the name brand, that make us feel someone more important than other people.
There is no such thing as a bargain t-shirt
The cotton may have been grown in Africa, in Burkina Faso. Cotton is a very thirsty crop. The cotton industry gets priority water supplies and farmers often suffer from drought. Cotton also needs a lot of pesticides which don’t just kill insect pests; they harm workers and neighboring communities and helpful insect pollinators. Workers frequently suffer from nerve diseases and vision problems because of the toxic chemicals. The cotton is then bleached with chlorine, a chemical that can cause cancer. Once woven into fabric, the cotton is shipped to a factory or a sweatshop where people in China or Bangladesh work long days for low wages in unsafe conditions. Many factory workers are teenagers working 11 hour days for less than $1 a day.
The story of stuff https://www.youtube.com/
“Status clothes”
When you agree to live simply, you put yourself outside of others’ ability to buy you off, reward you falsely, or control you by money or status. . This is the most radical level of freedom, but, of course, it is not easy to come by.
When you voluntarily agree to live simply, you do not need to get into the frenzy of work for the sake of salary or the ability to buy nonessentials or raise your social standing. You enjoy the freedom of not climbing. You might climb for others, but not only for yourself.
When you agree to live simply, you have time for spiritual and corporal works of mercy because you have renegotiated in your mind and heart your very understanding of time and its purposes. Time is not money, despite the common aphorism. Time is life itself! Live simply so that others may simply live. (Richard Rohr)
Here are a few tips:
- Share your clothes. Give and lend generously. How about having a ‘swop shop” where you get together and swop clothes or have a small fee and raise money for charity.
- Wash with cold water – your clothes will last far longer.
- Skip fast fashion. Cheap clothes don’t last, they are made like that so that you keep on buying. Spend a bit more and buy something that will last.
- Learn about brands – what are the ethical practices of the brand you are buying?