Provincial Launch of St Mary Magdalene


img_20161112_120725A prestigious historical event, the guild of St Mary Magdalene (MMG) was launched official as a provincial guild after decades of existence. Hosted from the 10th –  13th of November 2016  in the Eastern Cape, the Diocese of Mthatha were the hands and feet of this events success, working with all the executives from the dioceses, the venue was over flowing with members of this guild.

Visitors and delegates were welcomed with a very classy gala dinner on Friday evening and entertainment from a local dance group. We saw members of different guilds in the diocese come in numbers to support MMG.   Dioceses represented included, Lesotho which came in numbers, Cape Town, Mzimvubu, Mbashe, Grahamstown .

The Diocesan Bishop who is also the dean of the Province, Bishop Sithembele Mzamane graced the morning service on Saturday morning with a wonderful sermon and officiating the provincial executive which was newly elected.  In his word, he encouraged the guild to continue doing the great, be strong and rigid in their ministry.

Green Anglicans was one of the partners who were invited to come and be part of this occasion and in the spirit of caring for God’s creation, 3 trees were blessed and planted by the Bishop. This act is to mark the beginning of a new life in the guild and as the trees grow they will remind the members where they come from and the growth of the guild.  Two of the trees were planted at the diocesan centre and 1 at the Cathedral of St Johns.img_20161112_083320 img_20161112_085251

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