Never Stop Dreaming: #Generational Restoration

On Saturday 15 June 2024 over 80 young people from across the Diocese of Matlosane gathered together at the Diocesan Centre to celebrate nation youth day under the theme of Care for Creation .

The day started of with an outside eucharist service lead by the Diocesan Bishop , where he encouraged the youth to new stop dream and chasing their dreams to become reality, but equally so they should learn to let go of things that keep hold one back from achieving the ultimate goal. He also encouraged the youth to take care of the environment by getting involved and embracing the Green Anglicans movement, as we only have one common home with all creation and need to therefore, they is a need to live in harmony with all creation.

After the service the young people went into different groups for a bible study under the theme of :Generational Restoration , where they had to observe they’re surroundings and notice what has been broken, develop a plan and list action points. Part of the bible group discussions was for each group to look at how best young people can Recycle, Reuse and Reduce Plastic, Tins and Bottles.

The day ended with the #Serethe challenges where the Bishop Diseko, Diocesan Servers Chaplain Revd Setlhafuno ,Diocesan Youth Coordinator Kgowe Moleme, Diocesan Green Anglicans Coordinator Ven. Peme and all young people took part as part of the provincial challenge .

 Photo credit : Kgowe Moleme