Climate YES : SEE , JUDGE, ACT

On Monday 17 June 2024 , 43 young people from the ecumenical joined the Climate YES one day workshop on Generational Restoration under climate justice. Eco-champ Morena Pule ( attendee of CY 2023 Bootcamp) began the day with a brief bible study on See, Judge and Act using Deuteronomy 6 as the base of bible study, the aim here was to make attendees aware that we cannot do anything if we do not open our eyes and minds to see, then judge for us to reach the goal of eco-restoration as a generation.

The day progressed with a hands-on activity where attendees had to think about the different communities in which they come from and identify areas which need to be converted into better habitats for all creation. Attendees also took time to look at the root causes and came up possible solutions.

Some of the key solutions was the call to mobilize faith leaders and groom them into eco-champs as they have a seat in strategic government and private sector networks, the need for Climate Change issue to be an inter-generational thing and not just focus on young people as our context still listens more to elders than they would to young people.

The day ended off with a message from the Free State Diocesan Mothers Union President who committed and pledge her support in mobilizing mothers to support and listen to young people when it came to issues of eco-restoration.

Photo credit: Morena Pule