March 9 : FLOW (For the Love of Water)

He makes springs pour water into the ravines;
It flows between the mountains.
They give water to all the beasts of the field;
the wild donkeys quench their thirst. Psalm 104:10-11

Use a plugged in sink or bowl for your washing up – no running taps.

Here are the 10 commandments for saving water!

  1. Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth – this can save 6 litres of water per minute.
  2. Place a filled two litre bottle in your toilet cistern to reduce the volume of water used in each flush..
  3. Take a shorter shower. Shower can use anything between 6 and 45 litres per minute.
  4. Always use full loads in your washing machine– this cuts out unnecessary washes in between.
  5. Fix a dripping tap. A dripping tap can waste 15 litres of water a day, or 5,500 litres of water a year.
  6. Install a water butt to your drainpipe and use the water collected to water your plants, clean your car and wash your windows.
  7. Water your garden with a watering can rather than a hosepipe. A hosepipe uses 1,000 litres of water an hour.
  8. Mulching your plants (with bark chippings, heavy compost or straw) and watering in the early morning and late afternoon will reduce evaporation and also save water.
  9. Fill a jug with tap water and place this in your fridge. This will mean you do not have to leave the cold tap running for the water to run cold before you fill your glass.
  10. Invest in water-efficient goods when you need to replace household products. You can now buy water-efficient showerheads, taps, toilets, washing machines, and many other water-saving products.

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