Holiday Club Fun at St Mary Magdalene in Gugulethu


The Church of St Mary Magdalene Gugulethu opened its doors for a holiday club to keep the kids safe during the holidays while having fun. The holiday club was supported by Fikelela.

Green Anglicans was invited to do an environmental session and a lot of fun was had by all! First of all we reflected on John 3:16 That God sent his son because he loved the world so much – and in a few days it will be Jesus birthday when we remember God’s son coming to earth.

The children played a running “pictionary” team game where they drew different items that are found in the oceans. Then they played a “guess the animal” game when a sticker was put on their back with the name of an animal and they had to guess what it was.

They then learned how those items in the river like chip packets, take away containers and sweet papers, break down into smaller pieces of plastic. These get eaten by sea creatures, birds and fish and they can die of hunger with their stomachs full of plastic.

The children then divided into teams as they showed creativity on paper making posters and explaining with posters they way we as human can contribute to save the earth and the creatures in water and on land by stopping  littering and cutting out the use of single use plastics.

Kagisho Petlho Story and pictures

Thankyou very much St Mary Magdalene, Fikelela and CTEET for the support for this fun but life changing club!

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