Three churches from False Bay Diocese answered the call to join the World Coastal Clean up day on the 15th of Sep.

St Andrews Strand, St Joseph the Worker Macassar and Gordons Bay all joined in young and all

The day started with a prayer and a reading from Psalm 104

ow many are your works, Lord!

In wisdom you made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.

25 There is the sea, vast and spacious,

teeming with creatures beyond number—

living things both large and small.

26 There the ships go to and fro,

and Leviathan, which you formed to frolic there.


27 All creatures look to you

to give them their food at the proper time.

28 When you give it to them,

they gather it up;

when you open your hand,

they are satisfied with good things.

Rev Rachel Mash reminded us that God has given good things to the sea creatures to eat, but now because of the amount of plastic going into the ocean, sea creatures are eating plastic.

Just a few weeks ago a whale was found dead with 80 plastic bags in its stomach. Turtles think that plastic bags are their favorite food the jelly fish and they eat them and die of starvation. Birds think that floating plastic bottle tops are food and feed them to their hungry young

The group set out with enthusiasm to do their bit to help the ocean and showed that none of us is too young to help care for creation!

#beatplasticpollution #greenanglicans @arocha

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