As part of their service to the Lord the Diocesan Servers from Diocese of
Johannesburg met at St. James Anglican Church in Diepkloof Soweto for an
environmental workshop.
The day started off with Ms. Palesa Phayane ( Servers Environmental Affairs Coordinator) sharing the mission of having an environmental
desk within the server’s guild. The dream is to not only grow trees or pray for the
environment but to use this as on opportunity of restoring biodiversity while also
putting up climate smart vegetable gardens at parishes. The produce could be
donate to local shelters, orphanage or used for parish soup kitchens. She also added
that servers are known to be united, supportive and strong willed which is why
starting this initiative within the server’s guild gives a better chance of success. The
environmental initiative within the Diocesan servers guild has got both short term and
long term activities which have been outlined.
Mr Bino Makhalanyane shared a presentation on the impacts and effects of climate
change under the theme of “The Earth is the Sanctuary of God”. He called on
members of the servers’ guild , who are called to serve God within His Sanctuary to
not only limit themselves within church walls but to know and understand that the
whole earth is full of His Glory (Isaiah 6:3). Therefore we also have the responsibility
of taking care of our common home which is the earth .
Attendees were then divided into six groups where each group had to design what a
possible logo for the environmental desk within the diocesan Servers Guild would
look like.
The day ended with a short wellness meditation.
The motto for the Diocesan Servers Guild environmental initiative will be :
PROTECT the environment so that we have a healthy place to live,
PRESERVE so that future generations get to experience what we did,
IMPROVE in order to enhance our lives and that of the other life forms around us
Photo Credit : Ofentse Mogotsi