Young Anglicans are being encouraged to celebrate youth month by reducing, reusing and recycling. Here are some materials for use in a youth service: a drama, songs, prayers, sermon suggestions and creative ideas! See the resources here: Recycling prayers
Celebrate World Environment month by Reducing, reusing and recycling!
A noble initiative and needs to be carried forward. We have become a disposable society. This will require a lot of drive and motivation from leadership, and we know people are driven by results. We are slowly implementing the reduce, reuse & renew cycle here. Leadership needs to first adopt, own and run with the programme.
I am lecturer in a training college in DR Congo. We have a change project to intoduce teaching practise for sustainability and agency in our college . Our college Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de la Gombe is in Kinshasa;
André Katawa