Care for Creation Youth Training – Diocese of Pretoria

Care for creation youth training in the Diocese of Pretoria

The Green Anglicans workshop was held at St Peters Anglican Church in Ga-Rankuwa on the 16th of November 2019. The main purpose of this workshop/training was to educate all youth structures and Sunday school teachers on how to care for creation.

The workshop started with Morning Prayer conducted by Rev Raynard Schovell (Environmental Chaplain) using the following scriptures and prayers from Season of Creation no: 6-Numbers 22:22-35, Psalm 104:1-30-, Colossians 1:15-23 – for instance did you know that God spoke through a donkey?

There was a presentation on what is Green Anglicans and what we stand for and what activities are conducted.

The workshop covered the following topics: water, food, stuff (materialism and consumerism), energy waste, land and trees. Two groups were formed to discuss what the participants learnt and what can be done to prevent environmental harms from each topic covered.

The workshop also had a training on the book: Ryan the Rhino – which is a Sunday School manual. The diocese was encouraged to cover each topic on a monthly basis so that children get to learn about creation monthly. There was a session covering the importance of the book. The topics in the book include: sky and climate change, land and plants, water and biodiversity. The book has topics and songs for each month and verses which teachers will  explain to the children, thereafter the children will have an activity or games related to the topics covered

The workshop was so successful the youth members and Sunday school teachers and kids really had fun. We pray that when they go back to their churches they will practice a Green Lifestyle


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