The Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf held their annual Diocesan Synod between 6th – 10th February, again via Zoom. They invited the Rev’d Canon Dr. Rachel Mash to address them across the three mornings of the Synod, on the theme of “Scripture and Caring for Creation”, approaching the science of climate change and what our response as Christians should be toward the care for and renewal of Creation. Each day participants from across the countries of the Diocese (Cyprus, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE and Oman) gathered in breakout groups to consider the issues Dr. Mash introduced, including the theological and discipleship implications, the opportunities for action and advocacy, exploring what new initiatives could emerge from the parishes.
As COP27 comes to the Middle East region (in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt), and as Dubai in the UAE is due to host the UN MENA Climate Week this year and COP28 in 2023, there is a great opportunity to engage locally and internationally to advocate for greater ambition in regard to climate targets, support more just climate financing, and encourage the greater development of resilient communities across the region and throughout the world.
Joel Kelling