All the believers shared everything they had. Acts 4: 32-35
A lot of toys end up in the bin or sitting on shelves because the children are bored of them.
Why not organise a Toy Swap at Sunday School? What is old to you is still new and fun for me!
Choose your “rules”
For example: People must bring toys that still work or are not broken.
This can be a fundraising event and a fun one. Make little ‘books’ of tickets by stapling together squares of paper. Decide how much each ‘ticket’ costs. Keep the prices nice and low and affordable. The advantage of using the tickets is all the kids have the same number of chances to buy so the kids with lots of pocket money cant dominate. Have a few ‘books’ of tickets for the kids you know don’t have money. Decide what you are fundraising for (eg Sunday School outing). Have an older child or adult sell the ‘tickets’
When your guests arrive, set up their toys in a large enough area for people to browse and see what’s available. More toys will be bought when people can really see what’s available
Put a price on each item, (an adult can decide on the prices) then the children bring the toy or game to the ‘checkout; and pay with their tickets.
You can even go so far as to group the puzzles together, boy toys on one table, girl toys on another. Baby toys somewhere else.