Youth of the EThekwini North Archdeaconry Cares for the environment : As part of the Diocesan (Natal) youth’s initiative to make June an environment month, young people of eThekwini North archdeaconry celebrated theirs by cleaning up Beechwood beach in Durban North. The Orange team of enthusiastic young people together with a few elders gathered to pick up litter. They were divided into teams and played what one would call “an AMAZING beach clean up RACE” its goal was to see which team gathers a lot of dirt within a specified time. This year’s theme focuses on beating plastic pollution and indeed young people contributed positively in eliminating plastics and other dirt polluting Beechwood beach. Fun and games were the order of the day, later on a braai was enjoyed
Indeed the 5th mark of mission of the Anglican communion “to safeguard the environment…’ was lived out by these young energetic individuals
Mandisa Gumada
Diocesan Youth Coordinator :Natal