The Diocese of  Lake Malawi  passed a resolution to establish one woodlot per parish or station. The Diocesan Synod declared that every third week of January should be dedicated to replenishing the Environment.

And so the Green Anglicans of Malawi took the initiative to implement this Synod resolution.

To kick start this initiative, this year we secured 500 Mangoes and 500 Pine tree seedlings.

Fruit and non-fruit trees were distributed and planted in all archdeaconries and the table below summarizes the total number of trees planted during the exercise;

8 Archdeaconries , and two schools received trees

A total of 1000 trees were planted


         The Diocese of Lake Malawi is taking this exercise seriously in such a way that each parish with idle land is being earmarked for a woodlot/orchard.

         Parishes should be encouraged to make an allocation for this exercise on annual basis.

         Parishes should be proactive in sourcing the trees as early as possible to ensure that during planting time we do not struggle as to where to get them

         The Green Anglicans in Malawi are so thankful to Rev. Dr. Rachel Mash and the United Thank Offering  for the support to make this exercise a reality; we do not take this gesture for granted. The team is working tirelessly to make sure that the campaigns being pursed reach to all the parishes in Malawi.

These parish woodlots will be part of the Anglican Communion Forest Initiative