False Bay

Saving Princess Vlei

Saving Princess Vlei   The Dioceses of False Bay and Cape Town have thrown  their weight behind the “Save Princess Vlei Campaign.” This is a beautiful lake and public space which is being threated by the construction of a mall. The service was opened by Bishop Margaret Vertue and the worship led by  St Augustine’s band. One of the songs reminded us that ‘all over the Vlei, God’s spirit is moving”. Bishop Christopher Gregorowski  brandished his  cell phone and challenged the more than one hundred attendees, and the Church as a whole, to use social media to save Princess Vlei. Prayers were followed by a short walk to the Cairn on the eastern shore, where participants added their stones to this memorial site.  All the participants were given bags by Mariette Dauby of the Christ Church Green Team to collect rubbish on the way. Rev. Rachel Mash, ACSA Environmental Co-ordinator  blessed the cairn using a prayer adapted from the prayer for the blessing of the water from the First Nation Anglican Diocese in Canada.  There were those for whom this was a first-time experience, But after enjoying the stunning mountain views, they were in no doubt about the need to conserve this magnificent jewel of the Peninsula.  Diocese of False Bay  and Cape Town

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