“The River of God is full of water” Psalm 65:90
Thirty people joined the Diocesan Environmental Group for a meditative walk with Jesus along the Upper Liesbeek River. We listened to the voice of God in Creation, in Scriptures and in poetry. Green Anglicans has started monthly services to listen to worship in Creation. Once a month we will be exploring a different part of our this beautiful city, with River Church, Vlei Church, Mountain Church, Forest Church , Ocean Church and so on.
The Bible teaches us that we can hear the voice of God in Creation:
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
4 Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world. Psalm 19:1-4”
God is speaking through Creation, the question is – are we listening? Sometimes we forget that we can hear God in Creation and we limit ourselves to only listening to God’s word in the Bible. Throughout history the Church has believed in General Revelation (in nature) as well as special revelation (through Scripture).
So what happens when we take this seriously ? We go into nature and say God speak to me, through the rivers, the mountain, the wetlands… and God does!!
Our first service was Wetlands Church where we listened to the voice of God as we walked through the Wetlands at Glencairn. Next month we will have Vlei Church and this will be followed by Mountain Church.
These are wonderful services of meditation, silence, some scripture readings, some poetry readings and a time to re-fill your soul. You can also bring a friend especially those friends who say “I am spiritual but I don’t go to church”
Join us on the 7th March at Rondevlei (Grassy Park) for an experience of God in “Vlei Church”
For more information contact Rev Mash on [email protected]
As a newly appointed councilor at St Margaret’s in Fish Hoek I have been given the Environment Portfolio.
Keen to network with other parishes or other faith groups around environmental issues.