Impact on farming
Plastic pollution poses a significant hazard to farm animals, they can choke on plastic or swallow it and then die of malnutrition.
Studies have found that in some low- and middle-income countries, up to a third of cattle and half of the goat population have consumed significant amounts of plastic which they have mistaken for food.[1] This a particular problem in animals residing in urban areas of developing countries. Ingested plastic materials in the rumen slowly release the then enter the food chain through milk and meat products. These chemicals have a detrimental effect on human health. Another challenge is that people may not want to buy meat from that farmer, if they have seen cows eating plastic or dirty nappies!
Plastic pollution also hampers crop growth by obstructing the flow of water and air in the soil.
Impact on Fishing
Fish are similarly affected: for those who rely on their livestock and fishing for their income, this is particularly devastating.[2]
Once of the big challenges with fish and plastics is when smaller organisms ingest microplastics it eventually makes its way up the food chain to humans. For example if a small fish eat 10 pieces of microplastic and a larger fish eats ten fish, now it has ingested 100 pieces of microplastic.
Another big challenge is what is known at ‘ghost fishing’ which refers to fishing gear that has been lost or abandoned. Nets, long lines and fish traps continue to trap and kill fish, leading to drops in stock of available fish.
After major storms wash plastic downstream to the harbours, we often find that boats lose hours of working time as they have to untangle propellors from plastic, or find their engines damaged
Impact on tourism
And in many places where the local economy relies on tourism, unsightly plastic pollution is threatening businesses and curtailing growth. All of this makes it harder for families to lift themselves out of poverty and to plan for the future.[3]
With the increase in social media, tourists increasingly post photos of polluted beaches or rivers ,which can discourage other visitors from coming
[1] Ruminal impaction due to plastic materials -
[2] How ocean plastics impact fisheries
[3] How marine plastic pollution impacts on tourism–.php