Clean up for Nelson Mandela Day !


Mandela Day is an annual global celebration that takes place on 18 July to honour the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela. This day is a call to action for individuals, communities, and organisations to take time to reflect on Mandela’s values and principles and to make a positive impact in their own communities.

Nelson Mandela Day is perhaps best known for its slogan, “67 Minutes of Service,” but did you know where that came from and why it is no longer the slogan?

It was calculated that Nelson Mandela spent 67 years of his life in service of social justice – in his years of activism and mobilisation, his years in prison, as well as his years as president of the Republic of South Africa.

 The 67 Minutes for Mandela campaign went global and became the rallying call for Nelson Mandela International Day.

The 67 Minutes gives people an opportunity to take part in short, action based projects in service of their communities.  This year we are encouraging you to get together with others and spend 67 minutes (just over an hour!) in cleaning up your street or neighbourhood.

Even a short term initiative like a street clean up can raise awareness of the problem of plastic pollution. It brings people together for something positive.

Since 2011, the Nelson Mandela Foundation has introduced the “Make Every Day A Mandela Day” slogan, encouraging people to take responsibility for social justice in their communities every day of the year.

So let us clean up for 67 minutes on Mandela Day , but have the long term vision of clean streets for Mandela! It is still in your hands!


