Egg carton counting game. Write a number at the bottom of each section. Then give the kids some beans and ask them to put the right number in each section
Cereal boxes: Keep your empty cereal boxes. Invite your child to pick her favorite picture from the boxes and make a jigsaw puzzle. Cut the appropriate number of pieces for your child’s age.
Plastic bottles. Use empty water or cool drink bottles for a game of bowling. Fill each bottle with two inches of sand or water, and cap the top. Set up the bottles and let the kids try and knock them over with a ball.
Cardboard boxes. Make a dolls house from a cardboard box.
Grocery items: Set up a shop with items from the grocery shop, make play money out of pieces of paper marked with money , and the kids can play at ‘going grocery shopping”
Cereal packet – make board games like Checkers or chess or morabaraba . Here are the rules for Morabaraba
Empty tins: Set up a row of empty tins and try to throw coins into them.
Cool drink cans and bottles – make your own musical instruments by putting in rice or beans. To make shakers.
Obstacle course. Write instructions on squares of paper (like 5 star jumps, sing a song, hop on one leg 10 times etc).. lay them out along the floor or corridor and the children can run from one to the other, doing the actions.
Cereal packets – snap cards. Once you have two packets the same you can cut out identical squares from the two packets and make snap cards.
Play dough – one cup of flour, half a cup of salt, and half a cup of water. Mix it up to make your play dough!. After playing keep it in a bag so it doesn’t dry out.
Cereal box – cut into domino shapes and draw on the dot numbers
Paper plate toss. Cut out the centre of paper plates and then you can throw them over your cool drink bottles or over tins.
Please share other ideas you have and pictures!