GBFS calls for an End to Single Use Plastic

On Saturday 27th of July members of the Girls and Boys Friendly Society (GFSF ) from the Diocese of Free State held its mini conference for the Bloemfontein , South and East Archdeaconries. As part of the global Plastic Free July campaign, Eco-Champ Mme Mdi gave a presentation on dangers of plastic, educating the members of the GBFS about how deadly and poisonous plastic is to us and the entire creation . She  also sharing tips on how we can safely dispose of plastic. 
Members of GBFS led by the Diocesan GBFS President Mme Tladi marched  around the streets of Managing were they walked to the nearby illegal dumping site ,which has plastic waste everywhere. During these march members of GBFS did community awareness on dangers of single use plastic while also calling for an end to the era of single use plastic. 



By: Odireleng Sepato