#fast4earth Give away your junk
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6;21
Your junk is someone else’s treasure!
Here is an A-Z of giving away rubbish!
Art Supplies All those old stationary items from when the kids were at school – give them to a local creche or after school project
Batteries are difficult to recycle- most Supermarkets have a section where you can leave them
Children’s clothes are always really needed. Baby ones can be donated at the maternity hospital or give to a children’s home
Designer clothes – these are worth selling on line and giving the money to charity rather. don’t lose them in a jumble sale!
Eyeglasses – charities like St John’s Ambulance often take them – check on google . they may be a real gift to someone in need
Furniture – worth advertising on line so that someone who really wants can get it for free if they organize transport
Groceries – if you have items you bought too much of, please give them away rather than leaving them in your cupboard until they are past their sell by date
Hair brushes – eish what to do with these? Try a vet they may say thankyou
Icecream containers and other plastic containers – Much appreciated by your local creche or Sunday School r for storage and painting etc
Jewelry – try a pawn shop they may give you a decent price you can donate to charity
Kitchen appliances – try a repair shop, otherwise they need to go out with ewaste sadly
Light bulbs – some are dangerous to recycle take to your supermarket recycling depot
Make up — some cosmetics contain small amounts of lead and other chemicals that can leach into the ground in a landfill. Clean and rinse out containers and recycle what you can.
Nuts and bolts can be recycled with metals
Oils from cooking You may be able to reuse them multiple times if you strain out food bits and store them in a cool, dry place. If it starts to look dirty or smell rancid, discard by funneling it (after letting it cool to room temperature) into a container and throwing it away. Don’t pour it down the drain, where it can solidify and clog the pipes.
Packing materials You love shopping online, but you don’t love the box and all that filler. Reuse air pillows or bubble wrap, or pop and recycle them with your grocery bags and other flexible plastic.
Quilts, Comforters, Towels Many animal shelters accept donations of old blankets and towels to use for bedding or cleanup.
Rugs : Charity shops will take large home furnishings, including gently used area rugs, but check with the location near you, as some prefer large ones only. If your item is too soiled to donate, contact your waste management for details on bulk pickup.
Sports Equipment : Trade in childrens sports equipment which is too small for the right size at a second hand sports equipment store. Or donate it to a charity shop. Ask at the local school also.
Toys: If they are in good condition (jigsaws without pieces missing, no broken parts on toys) then give solid quality toys to a local creche or children’s home. But remember that they will used by a lot of children so cheap plastic items are as good as useless, they wont last long! Cuddly toys aren’t great because they cant be kept sterile.
Underwear: Please don’t give away stained underwear it is gross for the recipient. It if it 100% cotton you can compost it. Good quality underwear can go to your charity shop.
Videos, DVDs, CDs, Video Games VHS tapes are not really recyclable any more, so rather take to ewaste. CDs, DVDs and video games can go to a charity shop.
Winter coats these are very much appreciated and you can either offer on line or take to a charity shop
Xylophones, Clarinets, Flutes These could be donated to a school or sell online, some churches might be interested too.
Yoga Mats Many yoga mats are not very earth friendly, made from PVC, a durable, nasty kind of plastic that is tricky to recycle. “Try giving it to a yoga studio for new students,, or get creative. Gardening knee pads, anyone?
Zoom Lenses If your phone camera is so good that you’ve retired your camera, donate it (and any unused 35-millimeter film) to a college or high school photography class. Recycle broken equipment with other e-waste . Or sell online