30th MU Conference in the Diocese of Kimberly and Kuruman

The 30th MU Conference in the Diocese of Kimberly and Kuruman under the leadership of President M Dithejane was held at Diamond Field Archdeaconry on the 26th of September to 28th of September 2024 at CRC.

Mothers Union members came in numbers from all five archdeaconries to celebrate the anniversary. The spirit was moving and there were many activities which were performed from Friday to Sunday, to mention but a few was: choral competition, traditional attire and rendering of traditional music, prayer and spirituality and others, not forgetting Environmental activities led by Environmental-Champ Mrs. V D Mosenthal. The organisers identified a primary school around Kimberley where trees will be planted. On Sunday morning before the service Bishop Brain of Kimberley and Kuruman blessed the trees in advance for plantation. Two trees were handed over to the Diamond Field Presiding member.

By : Mrs. V D Mosenthal