

When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the foreigner. I am the LORD your God” Leviticus 19:9-10 The Bible has the principle of gleaning- which is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers fields. It became legally enforced as an entitlement for the poor in some Christian kingdoms Modern day “dumpster diving” is a similar idea – where those who are on the margins need to be able to make a living. Around the world informal groups of people called ‘waste pickers’ go through our waste and ‘glean’ a living Millions of people worldwide make a living collecting, sorting, recycling, and selling materials that someone else has thrown away. In some countries, waste pickers provide the only form of solid waste collection, providing widespread public benefits and achieving high recycling rates. Waste pickers contribute to local economies, to public health and safety, and to environmental sustainability. While recognition for their contributions is growing in some places, they often face low social status, deplorable living and working conditions, and get little support from local governments. So how can we help? Firstly waste pickers need to have dignity. So it is important that you rinse your recyclables and do not mix food waste with recyclable goods (would you like to earn your living working with plastic bottles covered in maggots?) Treat them with respect when you meet them in the street and find out their names. Secondly they need to be safe: Also if there are any broken pieces of glass, make sure they are wrapped safely so they don’t cut their hands.  If you have left over food that is still edible, make sure that it is separated – some people hang it on their gate in a bag to keep it separated Thirdly: stand up for their rights – you may find that in your community (or neighbourhood whatsapp group) derogatory things are said about waste pickers – you be the one to stand up for them and for their rights to gleaning



 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children Matthew 7:11 Snacks for school are a challenge, life is very busy and we are looking for something to pop in that lunch box. School snacks are often highly processed and with lots of thin plastic that is unlikely to be get recycled even if we put it in the recycling bin! Think – crisp/chips in plastic wrappers, juices in cartons with plastic straw, wrapped in plastic Firstly get your kids involved, help them to understand why you are trying to reduce plastic and make it a fun challenge for them! What can we do ? Piece of fruit that can be peeled or eaten with the skin on – think banana, apple, pear , tangerine Veggies in strips like cucumber or carrot sticks, Cheese cubes. Buy little metal bottles and put the fruit juice or water with cucumber or lemon in it in the bottle. Wrap your sandwich in waxed paper or in a cloth napkin in the lunchbox. Buy in bulk things like nuts or dried fruit  and put into smaller re-usable  containers Get the kids involved in baking snacks like crunchies  or making popcorn instead of a packet of crisps. Get granny involved in helping bake lunchtime snacks! Start small! Have a plastic free day once a week – make it a fun challenge and then build up . Speak to the teacher, challenge your class to have a plastic free snack day and they can share their home baking with each other