Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10
We have often have a lot of clutter in our homes. Our junk may well be someone else’s treasure so today’s challenge is to go through our cupboards and give away unused items
Here are some tips!
- Choose something achievable
If you have a very cluttered house then don’t do it all in one go! Aim for a couple of hours at a time and decide on one room or one cupboard. How about one area per weekend
- Take a before and after photo
Once you’ve decided where to sort out, take a before and after photo – this will give you a great sense of achievement!
- Make five piles
Once you have decided where to start, sort items into five piles, you could have a box or bag for each one
- Keep – its often very hard to decide what to keep , we are connected to our stuff! If you haven’t worn it in the last three years – let it go! If it isn’t beautiful or useful, let it go!
- Donate – think carefully about how to give and who to give it to – don’t dump your unwanted junk on other people! Is there a charity shop you can drop it at? Outgrown children’s clothes and toys can be a great blessing to a children’s charity
- Sell – are there items you can sell on line or donate to a church white elephant sale/bazaar for fund raising?
- Discard – old grotty items, broken items or expired food – put them on the throw away pile! Remember to find the right place to throw away e-waste , batteries, printer ink etc safely
- Recycle or repurpose: make sure you have a pile for recycling and know where to take them – you can also keep some items for repurposing (but beware of creating a pile of junk in your garage!)
Celebrate turning your junk into treasures for other people – and I hope you find some forgotten items that you can enjoy again!