Mothers Union Eco-champs from 23 Dioceses across South Africa, Lesotho and Eswatini were chosen to attend an Eco-champion Training run by the Green Anglicans
The event started with a message of encouragement from the Worldwide President of the Mothers’ Union- Sheran Harper for this first of a kind group of MU Eco-champs!
Rev Rachel Mash led a session on the Bible and Creation Care, unpacking Scriptures on the theme. The Mothers then had a to prepare mini – sermons in groups.
This was followed by a Bible Study on Rom 8:22 “Where do you hear the groaning of Creation in your context?”
Very sad issues were identified which are impacting on food security and increasing poverty – such as soil erosion, flooding and drought. Our children are being poisoned through air pollution and water being filled with toxins, the burning of plastic and chemicals leaching into our water. Animals and pollinators are being wiped out. Illegal dumping is destroying our communities and the children have no safe place to play
We ended the session with a word of hope – for Creation is groaning as in childbirth – the pains are coming now but new life is being born
The day ended with a beautiful outdoor service led by the Provincial Liaison Bishop for the Environment – Bishop Charles May
On Day two we begin with prayers outside and then moved to the text of Rom 8 : 19 “Creation is standing on tiptoe waiting for the children of God to be revealed”. We shared what we are already doing, our successes and our challenges:
It was encouraging to hear that Mothers are already doing
Tree planting, both indigenous and fruit trees. We are doing clean up campaigns and beautifying our churches.
We have started using plastic to make mats, sun hats and bags. We have stopped using Styrofoam and bring our own bottles.. People have been trained in home food gardens and are passing the knowledge onto youth and children. We are observing environmental days and filling up dongas and eroded areas. We are making sleeping bags for the homeless using recycled materials. And partnerships have been formed with municipalities, schools and the departments of Environment in the different countries.
Two very powerful sessions then followed looking at the impact of Climate Change on gender and health. Ms Letago Kgomoeswana shared about how women are more impacted by climate change disasters as they have to walk further for water or wood. When they are in relief shelters they are at risk of sexual harassment. Our second speaker Mme Rose Lamola told of the devastating impacts of high temperatures in particular to pregnant women as the danger of early delivery or a still birth increases exponentially.
The afternoon session started with unpacking the resolution passed a few years ago at Provincial MU level to stop using Styrofoam and sing use plastic at Church events. The mothers discussed how to do this in small groups.
The final session was a moving one looking at how the church can prepare for the growing number of disasters such as flooding, drought, fires and storms. Then plans were made to take to the Provincial Conference in December.
On Sunday we ended with a moving outdoor Eucharist led by Rev Rachel Mash where we were commissioned as MU Eco Champs
We are so appreciative of the Mothers Union Provincial Executive and Bino Makhalanyane’s hard work as a wonderful facilitator and doing logistics, to JP Roberts for designing the t-shirts and badges and for SAFCEI for financial support for the Conference