Then they went in to Hezekiah the king and said, “We have cleansed all the house of the Lord, the altar of burnt offering and all its utensils, and the table for the showbread and all its utensils.
2 Chronicles 29: 18
So our challenge today is to look at our churches and see where we are using single use plastic and what can be refused, reduced or recycled!
The place where we use the most single use plastic in churches is in our catering. Consider after church coffee time – are you using disposable cups? At functions -are you using Styrofoam take-aways? These all have a huge impact on the environment, and in the case of Styrofoam on our health. Putting hot food into Styrofoam risks leaching chemicals into our food or drink. What about plastic bottles of water?
So what can you do about it? Identify the problem and then look at how decision making takes place in your church, you could bring the issue to your parish council, or even bring a resolution to Diocesan Synod. Many Provinces have passed resolutions but they are not being implemented well. For instance the Anglican Church of southern Africa passed a resolution to ban Styrofoam, and the Mothers Union also did, but we still see it being used.
So what are the alternatives- its not that easy. The best solution is old fashioned washing up – invite people to donate cups or plates for church cupboards. People could bring their own containers from home for carryouts. Water usage depends on your context, if your water is safe then a jug of water with a slice of lemon is much better for your health (bottled water releases tiny particles of plastic into the water) – or can you consider boiling the water and serving in a jug.
Its not easy and will take perseverance to make these important changes
Is the church recycling? What can you do to make sure that recycling takes place – perhaps the church can serve the community by offering recycling – this could generate a small income stream for your church.
Please share in the group your challenges, ideas and successes!