Ecumenical Eco Bishops and Senior Church leaders Conference
46 bishops and senior church leaders together with the new Climate Commission of the South African Council of Churches and Youth Climate Activists gathered for a historic “Ecobishops” conference this week in Noordhoek, Cape Town The leaders were from 11 denominations and came from South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini and Botswana.. The Conference was organised by SAFCEI, Green Anglicans and the Centre for Public Witness Day One Cardinal Steven Brislin addressed us on the topic of “The importance of Laudato Si in South Africa ” and was followed by Anglican Bishop of Lesotho Dr Vicentia Kgabe who spoke on the environmental Challenges in Lesotho. This was followed by a sobering talk by Prof Coleen Vogel on the five year forecast of climate change in Southern Africa. She was folllowed by Climate Yes! activist Tshepo Mohapi who challenged the leaders to listen to the voices of young people. We reflected on the groaning of creation in our context in Bible study. Rev Rachel Mash led a session on the Biblical basis for creation care. Day Two We had a presentation from the Presidential Climate Commission and learned about the SAFCEI programmes . 18 month action plans were made by geographical region and a statement was prepared. This will be released shortly We started and ended each day with God in Creation, enjoying the amazing beauty of the area.Our outdoor services were led by Rev Sikawu (MCSA) and Rev Dewald Hoffman (DRC). The youth led the final service We were blessed by the presence of SAFCEI founder Bishop Geoff Davies who led the final blessing.
Ecumenical Eco Bishops and Senior Church leaders Conference Read More »